Privacy Policy

United Way of Southwest Virginia will safeguard the privacy of all contributors. Information about donors to United Way will be held in strict confidence. All information regarding donor gifts, names, addresses or any other information shall be held by staff and volunteers in a confidential manner. No lists will be provided or sold for any reason.

United Way of Southwest Virginia is a charitable organization tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

United Way of Southwest Virginia is governed by an active, responsible, and voluntary governing board to ensure effective governance over our policies and financial resources of the organization.

United Way of Southwest Virginia’s volunteers, employees and representatives have a responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards. We believe these standards go beyond compliance with laws and regulations — calling us to fulfill higher obligations as stewards of the public trust. United Way of Southwest Virginia’s Code of Ethics, which also includes our Conflicts of Interest Policy, sets forth standards and responsibilities toward this end. The Board of Directors approves the code annually and each board member is required to personally certify their compliance to it.

United Way of Southwest Virginia has adopted policies/statements to ensure volunteers and staff members broadly reflect the many faces, cultures and walks of life that proudly make up the community we serve. We believe that bringing diverse individuals together allows us to collectively and more effectively address the issues that face our community. It is our aim, therefore, that our partners, strategies, and investments reflect these core values.

United Way of Southwest Virginia strives to always be diverse, equitable, and inclusive. We seek to represent and advocate for all who make up our community.

United Way of Southwest Virginia undergoes annual financial audits conducted by independent certified public accountants whose examination complies with generally accepted auditing standards. In addition, United Way Worldwide has developed comprehensive requirements for completion of audited financial statements to ensure consistency and transparency system-wide. These requirements are based on industry best practices and comport with generally accepted accounting principles.

United Ways must file the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 990 in a timely manner and will provide the IRS Form 990 on their website, at their offices, or upon request. Form 990 is the IRS’s designation for the tax return that most public charities are required by law to submit annually. This form is used by the IRS to assess the nonprofit organization for its compliance with tax. Information contained in the form includes a summary of the organization’s activities, assets, receipts, expenditures, and compensation of directors, officers, and certain employees.

United Way of Southwest Virginia is in compliance with the spirit and intent of the U.S. Patriot Act and other counter-terrorism laws. Affirmative action is taken to prevent technical, in-kind, or other resources from inadvertently being used for illegal acts and terrorist activities.

The purpose of the Whistleblower Policy is to provide a way for staff and volunteers who believe inappropriate financial transactions, harassment or discrimination are occurring within United Way of Southwest Virginia to report such action to those in authority, and be protected for doing so.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act addresses the destruction of business records and documents and turns intentional document destruction into a process that must be carefully monitored. It is the purpose of this policy to will eliminate accidental or innocent destruction. In addition, it is important for administrative personnel to know the length of time records should be retained to be in compliance.